Our profession is clearly in a phase of change across Europe.
In Belgium we have a statut to be reviewed and a lack of training.
Many challenges await us for the future. Today our national secretary talked on BEL RTL, national radio, and she has certainly touched a point to be studied by all those who want to improve our quality. How you can learn to tattoo ? It's a key question linked to another who also colleagues from other associations in Europe also agree, we have a really serious problem regarding illegal tattooist who are growing out of all proportion, a problem that the ministry of health, to which we are linked, must absolutely treat with greater rigor and seriousness.
A real lost opportunity to Belgium if we defend the ministry of health and health standards and when we think the interest of public health is above all and more in this pandemic period.
We have finally obtained the special health protocol covid-19 for that we had insisted on having since May 2020... only now in March 2021!
I believe that tattoo artists must absolutely be considered in a more serious and responsible way, for those with bad memories, I remind them that more than 500,000 tattoos are done in Belgium every year. The real numbers, in our opinion, are double or triple, it's time to wake up gentlemen of the institutions, the people need you and we have been waiting for you and asking for more attention for almost a year, please answer us quickly or contact us.
Bruno Menei
Chairman ATB